
Launched in Summer 2023, Too Little / Too Hard is a new online publication and podcast that asks established and emerging writers to consider the intersections of work, time and value in relation to their creative practices, as well as to literature as a whole. At present, the project will run for five issues.

Contact: toolittletoohard [at] gmail.com. Please note that we do not accept unsolicited submissions.


Livia Franchini

Livia is a writer and translator from Tuscany, Italy. She is the author of a poetry pamphlet, Our Available Magic (Makina Books, 2019) and a novel, Shelf Life (Doubleday, 2019), and has translated Lorenza Mazzetti, Stevie Smith and James Tiptree Jr., among many others. Livia is a Lecturer in Creative Writing at Goldsmiths, where she also coordinates The Goldsmiths Prize, and has taught both poetry and fiction internationally.

Lucy Mercer

Lucy ’s first poetry collection Emblem (Prototype, 2022) was a Poetry Book Society Choice. Her poems and essays have been published widely in magazines such as Art Review, Granta, Poetry Review, Poetry London, The White Review and others. She was awarded the White Review Poet’s Prize and has taught visual cultures, poetry and fiction at Goldsmiths and Westminster. She is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Exeter.

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